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Active Shooter Training for Schools

Workplace Active Shooter Training

 Individualized Room Assessment

We offer training for teachers, administrators, staff, and students on how to respond to an active shooter situation. The training can take place in your facility, either in a classroom or auditorium setting, and follows FEMA/Homeland Security guidelines for active school shooter training.

We aim to equip employees with a thorough understanding of the dangers of active shooter incidents and premeditated violence in the workplace. Our focus is on providing them with the best practices, techniques, and strategies that can help create a safe and secure work environment.

Conduct a review and assessment of each individual classroom or office space in your facility, along with teachers or office managers, and make recommendations on how to better protect themselves in the event of an active threat.


Facility Assessment

Conduct a facility review and assessment of your facility, focusing on single points of entry, locked exterior doors, emergency exits, security cameras, alarm systems, panic alarms, visitor management systems, and identify all vulnerabilities.

Supervised Drills

Emergency Action Plan

Preparedness, prevention, and mitigation are the keys.


We can review your current school or business policies, procedures, and Emergency Action Plans (EAP) and make recommendations to enhance life safety.


Need to start a new EAP from scratch? No problem, we can help.

Conduct active shooter drills with students and staff, including unannounced lockdown drills in coordination with school administration and local law enforcement.

Personal Safety

Common sense personal safety & security awareness training for men and women in the workplace. We'll discuss exiting your workplace at the end of your shift, situational awareness while driving on the roads, parking, and shopping. We can also cover online bullying and harassment.



Online/Social Media
Safety for Kids/Parents

Online and Social Media safety presentation for students, teachers, and parents. Covering the dangers of online predators, cyberbullying, and much more.

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